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Can Bees Carry Eggs? - Reply

I am now unable to lift a box of honey and undersuper and as I was going away I decided to put a box of stickies on top making a triple. This took place on the 9th of September and the 1st of November, this year. On the 20th of October, 2018 while taking honey off (six weeks later), I found a capped queen cell in the top box. I searched down to the excluder and found no other signs of larvae or brood. Having no equipment with me to make a nuc I took that frame home and made a four frame nuc wondering if there was anything in that cell. On the 31st of October I checked and found the cell pulled down but I was unable to find a virgin queen, so I gave the nuc another frame of larvae in case they were wanting to draw down a queen. The following evening on the 1st of November, 2018, I checked to see if they were pulling any queen cells, some 30 hours later, I found a virgin queen not plumped up yet. That queen has now mated and is laying well. I believe they can move eggs around as they soon throw out any chalkbrood or rubbish they donít want out of the hive. *Lester S, Qld. 

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