The Trees That Make Your Favourite Honey
17 min read

Everyone has a favourite honey, whether it’s a classic Yellow Box, the highly-regarded Jarrah, the unusually flavoured Leatherwood, or even a honey produced from the unique flowers of Macadamia, Christmas Bush, or Mangrove plants?

Can you say how much you know about the flora that make these wonderful, truly Australian honey varieties?

Do you know your Messmate from your Redgum, or your Prickly Box from your Yellow Box? Where do these species grow, what do they look like, when do they flower, and what’s in it for the bees from nectar or pollen values?

Take a field trip across Australia to discover more about these iconic species that make Australians’ favourite honeys.

Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora

The species that provides nectar for one of the most popular Australian hon

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